A Kit for all, who are serious about their Kumiko path.
With this kit, you can make your first 4 different patterns and explore your own pattern with the blank strips or use them for your own projects.
Also the tools for making Kumiko are included (2 chisels and a saw).
Become a Kumiko Grand Master, now!
What you will get
Asanoha Starter Kit
- 2 oak Kumiko blocks with 45°, 22.5°and 67.5° angles. They feature thumbscrews for quick and toolless adjustment.
- whitewood strips for the Kumiko square
- 7 grid pieces with notches (1 spare piece if something goes wrong)
- 8 diagonal pieces (4 spare pieces for testing)
- 20 small diagonal pieces (4 spare pieces for testing)
- 12 locking pieces (4 spare pieces for testing)
Tortoise Starter Kit
- 2 Oak Kumiko blocks with 30°, 45°, 60° and 75° angles. They feature thumbscrews for quick and toolless adjustment.
- Walnut strips for the Kumiko square:
- 7 grid pieces with notches (1 spare piece if something goes wrong)
- 22 diagonal pieces (6 spare pieces for testing)
- 8 horizontal pieces (4 spare pieces for testing)
Asanoha Mitsukude Extension Kit
- whitewood strips for the Kumiko square
- 11 grid pieces with notches (2 spare pieces if something goes wrong)
- 24 infill pieces (6 spare pieces)
Izutsu-Tsugi Extension Kit
- whitewood strips for the Kumiko square
- 7 grid pieces with notches (1 spare piece if something goes wrong)
- 20 small square pieces (4 spare pieces)
- 22 small diagonal pieces (6 spare pieces for testing)
- Instructions
Chisels and Saw
- A sharpened 20mm Narex “butt chisel” for making the infill pieces
- A 3mm Narex chisel for making the half laps for the grid. Sharpened of course.
- A fine dozuki (japanese pull saw)
Blank strips
- 20 blank Basswood strips (498 x 7 x 3.4mm each)
- a pack of 20 strips of the wood of your choice (Basswood, Walnut, Cherry or Oak, just add a comment with the wood of choice into the order)